
What is Order?

Order is an open-sourced platform to launch Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) on Aptos. The platform is currently designed specifically for NFT projects on-chain to create democratized means of making strategic decisions, but will eventually extended to serve all types of DAOs.

Order is a free and open platform for any DAO on Aptos to set up their operations, it provides DAOs, DeFi Protocols and NFT Communities a platform to vote and conduct decision making easily. The Order platform provides a range of tools for voting, staking, and proposal management, as well as customizable templates for creating new DAOs.

The Order platform is built and maintained by the OrderDAO which existing comprises of members from Aries Markets, but will be gradually be decentralized to be governed by key members from Aptos teams and community.

How does Order work?

There are 3 key features to Order:

Whether you're a developer, a business owner, or a community organizer, these functionalities enable you to create DAOs, propose actions via proposals, and a platform for members to vote on. There are more possible customizations within each feature, for more details refer to the user guide section of this documentation page.


Order aims to become a product which is easy for any individual or community to use on Aptos - technical and non-technical, Web3-native or completely new to the space.

Order is an open-sourced protocol and we invite all users to contribute in any way you can: with general feedback, code, code review, design, bug reports, advice, documentation, or anything else you can think of.

Reach us through our socials in Links!